Friday, August 28, 2009


I got more classes today. It has been a little hecktic lately at the the school, trying to figure out where every kid should be and what classes need to be taken. Acording to my current schedual, I was to be in two classes at one time, :), so one of my friends helped me understand who I should talk to and he spoke to the administrators for me....thank goodnes, because I was way to confused. ha. Anyway, we figured out that I have Media, which as you can media. :) I have Trykk og foto ( I probaly spelled that wrong) but that is like pictures and printing in a way. Hard to explain. Then, I got switched to another math class on Mondays and Thursdays.'s the reall kicker.................I got into a Spanish I class. I was so excited that it would be an easy class, that way when they are learning easy spanish, I can kind of learn backwards and learn the easy Norwegian. Hopefully that makes sence. Anyway, many of the kids that I know, are in this class, which makes it even better. I love it. The teacher is from Spain, and today she asked me to teach the class! Not so much teach, but more like "teach". ha. She had me just sit in front of the class and talk random Spanish. :) I talked about myself, where I was from, my family....stuff like that. Then the kids had to tell the teacher in Norwegian, what I had said. It was kind of fun, I really enjoyed being able to finally participate in a class and not just sit back and watch and listen to words I cant understand so much. I never thought I would like Spanish so much! But, it really gave me a chance to open up and actually participate. The teacher also had the kids ask me questions in Spanish, and I would answere them, while they had to listen and got "quized" about it after each question. It made me feel important. The past couple of days I just feel kind of invisible, and other than free time inbetween classes in the library, and lunch, I never really get to be myself and be free. Math is a little of the same way, but not quite. Since I get the math lesson, I understand what is going on, but I still am not able to participate, since I dont know Norwegian. I suppose I could answere in English, but it just doesnt feel right. That was about it. Trudes sister and husband came over after supper and we had some Colombian coffie, watermellon, and bread with chocolate melted chips inside. :) Weird combination....but delicious. After they left, Trude and I went to the grociery store. Woot Woot! ha. New experiences every day.
Sara Martin
(Ivar left for Denmark today on a buisness trip. fun, fun.)

1 comment: said...

HOLA. BUENAS NOCHES. Cuanto me alegro que te este gustando tu clase de español y que por fin te hagan sentir tan bien por poder hablar tu español. Que leccion tan bonita. Si yo llegaze a tener un estudiante que supiera español en mi clase, prometo que lo hare sentir tan bien, asi como ella te hizo sentir a ti el viernes. BRABO!! Damele un abrazote!!!
Espero que puedas seguirla ayudando.